Correction for the credit Management aspect. For no credit management on a customer, one should choose the option for Credit Status to be 'No Credit Check'. To enable credit checks, choose the option for Credit Status to be 'Credit Check Ok' and put an appropriate credit limit.
Just as a note. If one has a zero in the 'credit watch %' field for the Business Partner group definition, then the system will use 90% as the default value. What this means is that if the customer exceeds 90% of the credit limit set for them, the system will change the Credit Status to 'Credit Watch'.
Credit Checks
Correction for the credit Management aspect. For no credit management on a customer, one should choose the option for Credit Status to be 'No Credit Check'. To enable credit checks, choose the option for Credit Status to be 'Credit Check Ok' and put an appropriate credit limit.
'Credit Watch' Status
Just as a note. If one has a zero in the 'credit watch %' field for the Business Partner group definition, then the system will use 90% as the default value. What this means is that if the customer exceeds 90% of the credit limit set for them, the system will change the Credit Status to 'Credit Watch'.